Hudson Rock Announces First Comprehensive Infostealers AI Bot: CavalierGPT

Hudson Rock is thrilled to announce the launch of CavalierGPT, the first-ever Infostealer Intelligence AI Bot designed to empower researchers with free access to data associated with Infostealer infections.

CavalierGPT retrieves and curates information from various Hudson Rock endpoints, enabling investigators to delve deeper into cybersecurity threats with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

We are excited to announce that CavalierGPT will officially launch on December 10th, 2024.

We encourage all interested researchers to sign up with their email addresses to receive updates and be among the first to access this groundbreaking tool. 

 Click the “SIGN UP FOR CavalierGPT ACCESS” button on the bottom left corner of the screen.

We believe this tool has immense potential. It’s up to researchers like you to explore, experiment, and uncover all the ways CavalierGPT can revolutionize cybersecurity investigations.

Here are some prompts to get you started with CavalierGPT:

1. Email/Username Analysis

A: Search if a username is associated with a computer that was infected by an Infostealer:

Search the username "pedrinhoil9el"

Search the username "pedrinhoil9el"
Search the username "pedrinhoil9el"

Search the username "pedrinhoil9el"
Search the username "pedrinhoil9el"
Search the username "pedrinhoil9el"

B: Search if an Email address is associated with a computer that was infected by an Infostealer:

Search the Email address ""

  • These functions also support bulk search (max 100)

C: Search if an IP address is associated with a computer that was infected by an Infostealer:

Search the IP address ""

2. Domain Analysis & Keyword Search 

A: Query a domain, and discover various stats from Infostealer infections associated with the domain:

What do you know about analysis analysis analysis analysis analysis

B: Discover specific URLs associated with a keyword and a domain:

What is the SharePoint URL of

C: Create a comparison between Infostealer infections of various domains:

Compare the password strength of infected employees between,, and, place results in a chart.

Compare the password strength of infected employees between,, and, place results in a chart.

D: Create a comparison between applications used by companies (domains):

Compare the applications found to be used by infected employees at,, and What are the commonalities you found? What are ways threat actors can take advantage of these commonalities?

E: Discover URLs by keyword:

List URLs that contain the keyword "SSLVPN"

List URLs that contain the keyword "SSLVPN"
List URLs that contain the keyword "SSLVPN"

F: Assets discovery / external attack surface of a domain:

List all URLs you have for

3. Timeline / Geography Related Prompts

A: Search for statistics about Infostealer infections in specific countries:

How many people were infected by Infostealers in Israel in 2023?

How many people were infected by Infostealers in Israel in 2023?

B: Search for infections of specific Infostealer families:

How many were infected by Redline Infostealer in 2022?

By harnessing the power of CavalierGPT, researchers can perform comprehensive analyses ranging from email and username investigations to domain-specific queries and geographical statistics.

Hudson Rock remains committed to enhancing global cybersecurity, and with CavalierGPT, we’re taking a significant step forward in the fight against cyber threats. We invite all researchers to utilize this free resource to bolster their investigative efforts and contribute to a safer digital world.

To learn about how Hudson Rock protects companies from imminent intrusions caused by info-stealer infections of employees, partners, and users, as well as how we enrich existing cybersecurity solutions with our cybercrime intelligence API, please schedule a call with us, here:

We also provide access to various free cybercrime intelligence tools that you can find here:

Thanks for reading, Rock Hudson Rock!

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Stay informed with the latest insights in our Infostealers weekly report.

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